PORTRAIT OF Margaretha Van Eyck

The family tree of Van Eyck

Jan Van Eyck was born according to tradition in Maaseik in Limburg. However, this is not an established fact, his family name Van Eyck might refer to the city of Maaseik.

Just like his place of birth, one is also doubtful about his date of birth. It is believed that he first saw the light of day around 1390. The estimate of his year of birth is based on much later biographical data.

Historical data on the Van Eyck family is scarce. Fortunately, the government has been keeping track of everything about its citizens for centuries. Important documents are kept in an archive. Without these documents, people would no longer know what happened in the past. Despite a maze of theories, these documents make it possible to compile a somewhat balanced course of life for the Van Eyck family.

PDF icon Draw up a genealogy.pdf

Medieval paintings brought to life

Dutch photographer Suzanne Jongmans gives her own twist to the work of old masters. In her new book 'Moving through contrast', Jongmans winks in her own style at paintings from the fifteenth century, among others. In this way, works by Van Eyck also received a contemporary translation. Jongmans dresses her models in beautiful costumes, which she herself produces from disposable materials. Who would have thought that Van Eyck would be accompanied by criticism of the modern consumer society ...



Would you like to try it yourself?


Choose a 15th century painting in which the clothing appeals to your imagination.

Then collect different packaging materials and think about their possible use.

Realize your fifteenth century costume.



  • VIJD  Het verdriet van het Lam Gods
    Bruyneel, Jonas (2019) - Uitgeverij Lannoo
  • MAGNUM OPUS, het leven van Johannes, Hubert, Lambert en Margaretha Van Eyck
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